App Development

what is SEO? Step-By-Step Guide


SEO is a process that helps you rank higher in search engines. It involves creating websites that are designed in such a way that they will be found by search engines, and then building content around those keywords.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of your website in search results. It’s important because people who use Google, Yahoo!, Bing and other search engines to find information often do so by typing in a keyword or two into their favorite browser. If you have a good SEO strategy for your website, it will be more likely that those searches result in click-throughs from relevant websites rather than from “thin” pages like blogs where content has been written solely to attract visitors and not necessarily targeted toward specific keywords.

In this guide we’ll cover:

  • What is SEO? How does it work? Why should I care? What are its benefits?

The five main elements of an effective SEO strategy – site architecture, content creation & optimization strategies, link building strategies & other tactics such as social media marketing.

Why is SEO important?


SEO is important for a number of reasons. First, it can help you reach a larger audience with your content. Secondly, it can help you rank higher in search engine results, which can lead to more traffic and more exposure for your business or website. Finally, SEO is a key part of your website’s overall strategy. It helps you get found by the search engines, which in turn can help you grow your business and attract more visitors to your site.

Website structure.


The web is a highly visual medium, and it’s important to think about how your content will be viewed. If you have an image that’s large enough, consider using CSS or JavaScript to make it scroll smoothly. Also keep in mind that people often scan the tops of pages first before even reading a single word—if there’s something distracting on top of your page (like ads), people may not read anything else until they’re done looking at it!

If you have multiple topics on one page, use subheadings and bullet points for each topic (e.g., “SEO Basics”/”Google Analytics”). This makes navigation easier for users who aren’t sure where they should click next or what part of your site they’re looking at right now—it also helps if someone gets lost trying navigate through multiple sections without being able to easily find their way back home again after reading through everything until they reach the end point where all links lead back here; otherwise things could get confusing fast!

Use headers throughout: This includes H1 tags but also includes images inside those headings so we can tell which one was clicked upon by clicking around with mouse cursor over different areas of current page layout without knowing exactly where exactly it ends up being displayed visually due its size relative compared with other typeset html code snippets such being textually represented entity like letters typed out letter by letter while typing along using keyboard button combination instead using computer keyboard keys alone.

  • use a clear navigation structure.
  • use a clear hierarchy of headings.
  • use a clear hierarchy of content.
  • use a clear hierarchy of images.
  • use a clear hierarchy of links.
  • use a clear hierarchy of forms.
  • use a clear hierarchy of tables.
  • use a clear hierarchy of code.



Keywords are words that people use to search for things on the internet, such as “how to build a website” and “how much does it cost to launch a business.” They can also be used in your content.

If you want your site visitors to find what they want, then keywords must be included in your content so that Google will actually index it! But if you don’t know how many times each keyword shows up on page 1 of Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), then how do you decide which ones are worth including?

Meta tags.


Meta tags are a type of tag that you can add to your web pages. They’re used to describe the content of a web page, and they also help search engines find and index web pages.

Search engines use meta tags to index your website so that visitors can find you through their search engine results pages (SERPs). SERPs show ranked results based on keyword searches for specific terms related to what you sell or offer. For example, if I am looking for “cheap flights from London to New York City” then it will be likely that Google will show me an ad with this phrase in it because they know people are searching those words when they want cheap flights between these two cities.



Headings are a great way to make your content easy to scan. They help with readability and make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for.

Headings should be descriptive and accurate, but also relevant to the content that follows them. For example, if you have an article about how to improve your knowledge of SEO, then a heading tag like “How To Improve Your Knowledge Of SEO” would be appropriate because it’s relevant and descriptive enough — but if you were writing an article on how many people use Facebook each day in America (which wasn’t true), then maybe something like “How Many Americans Use Facebook Each Day” would work better?

unique Content


Unique content is important for SEO because it helps your website rank higher in search results when people Google for information about you. The user experience of each page on your site will also be better if all of the pages have unique content, as well as a unique structure and design (if applicable).

How Do You Create Unique Content?

The first step in creating unique content is coming up with ideas for what kind of information would be useful to readers. We’ve already talked about how much research goes into writing articles but even more goes into making sure they’re good ones! When creating an article, think about how much time and effort went into researching it; then try coming up with some new angles that haven’t been covered before—you may even find something interesting yourself! If there’s no way around it though: don’t copy someone else’s work just because they’re famous or have lots of followers – this could lead to plagiarism accusations down the line which can get costly when dealing with legal issues like copyright infringement lawsuits.”

Image optimization, alt tag.


Alt tags are text alternatives for images. They make it easier for people who are visually impaired, as well as people with slow internet connections, to understand what an image is about.

Alt tags are also very important when you’re looking at search engine results on Google or Bing because they tell the search engines which parts of your page should be indexed and shown in their results pages (the first few letters of each word). If an alt tag isn’t included, then only portions of your content will appear in search engine results pages—and not necessarily even those that contain images!

Internal linking

Internal links are links that point to other pages on your website. They help search engines understand the structure of your site, so they can more easily determine what content is most relevant for users and how to present it in search results.

Internal linking is important for user experience, because if you put all of your content on one page (or an index), then anyone searching for something specific will have trouble finding it if there’s no internal association between each piece of content on a single page. On top of this, not having any internal links means that social media platforms won’t be able to share information about what other pages might contain valuable content—and if everyone’s posting stuff all over their profiles instead of just tweeting or Facebooking about things they found elsewhere online? Well…that sucks!



Backlinks are links to your site from other sites. They’re important because they show Google that your site is important and can help you rank higher in search engines.

Backlinks are also important because they help you get traffic, which means more potential customers for your business!

Outbound links.


Outbound links are the bread and butter of SEO. They’re the ones that can get you ranked higher in search engines, so they’re essential to your site’s success. If you’re not getting any backlinks from other sites, or if your existing links aren’t pointing where they should be pointing (because they’ve been broken), then there might be something wrong with your current strategy.

Here are some things to consider when thinking about outbound linking:

Do my pages link to each other? Are all of my internal pages linked together on one page? Or is there a lot of content on each page that doesn’t link together very well? This will help determine whether or not someone would want to click on a page after reading it—and if not, then how we can improve how we present our content so people actually want more information from us!

Search engine optimization can be complicated, but if you know the basics you will have a good start on your website’s ranking in the search engines.


Search engine optimization is an important part of your website’s overall strategy. It helps you reach new audiences by making it easier for people to find your site when they search for information about a particular topic.

SEO is a long-term strategy, not a quick fix. While there are many ways to optimize your website, the goal of all types of SEO is essentially the same: to make sure that Google and other search engines know that your site exists and can be found easily by users searching on those terms (for example, “how do I bake bread?”).


As you can see, SEO is a complex topic that involves many factors. The best thing you can do is get help from an expert who knows what they’re doing and can help you make your website rank in the search engines.


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